What's Included:

For $35 a month, you will gain access to a preschool, elementary, and mid/high school unit study for each week's Torah portion. For a total of 12 unit studies per month! Each month, you will receive the unit studies for the upcoming month, for example you would receive September's Torah portions in August, to give you plenty of time to prepare and incorporate it into your homeschool day and/or family life.


Graphics carefully designed with your child in mind, to draw them into the Torah portion, and make the Bible come alive!


With access to all three age groups for each Torah portions, you have the ability to pick and choose which pages are going to work best for your child's learning.


Content created to help your child dig deeper into

G-d's Word and truly fall in love with scripture.

This course is closed for enrollment.

Sample Unit Study

To give an example of what the studies look like, here is the B'Reisheet Preschool Study.

*Keep in mind that all studies will look a little different depending on the length and subject of that Torah Portion.